Does Pool Liner Color Affect Water Temperature?

If we remember the laws of physics learned at school or from our own practical experience, we can say unequivocally that the color of the liner affects the temperature of the water in the pool. How does it affect and how can it be used for practical purposes? It is well known that in warm sunny weather it is preferable to wear light-colored clothes. In contrast to dark clothing, it reflects the sun’s rays and protects against overheating. This property of white (light) color is confirmed by the fact that in all warm countries white clothes are traditional. In contrast to white color, which reflects the sun’s rays, black (dark) color on the contrary absorbs the sun’s rays. Or it is more correct to say — it absorbs infrared warm radiation.

Light colored pool liner
Light colored pool liner

Therefore, we can conclude that the color of the pool liner affects the water temperature. But how significant is this influence? Let’s find out.

How Much Does Pool Liner Color Really Affect Water Temperature?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to give a definite positive answer to this question. We can only rely on practically proven results.
Some owners of pools with dark lining claim that the water in their pools becomes warmer due to this at least 5 degrees. Or even 10 degrees.
Others deny this result, and say that they do not see any changes. And at best you can observe an increase in temperature by 1-2 degrees, which is insignificant. Which of them is right?
Not everything is that simple. Sunlight hitting the pool water undergoes refraction. In other words, it scatters in different directions, depending on the angle at which the light enters the water. This causes the moving patterns of light we observe on the walls and bottom of the pool, formed by the rays of light. The stronger the breeze that ripples the surface of the water, the more mobile the patterns are.

Dark colored pool liner
Dark colored pool liner

So don’t place too much reliance on substantial water heating or significant savings on heating costs with a pool black liner. Ultimately, choosing a dark pool liner is more about personal preference.

What to Pay Attention to When Choosing a Pool Liner

If we are already talking about the possibility of heating the pool water due to external factors and energy saving, then we should pay attention to PVC membrane. It combines a number of valuable qualities that any pool needs. There are:

  • Energy saving. The vinyl from which the membrane is made has a very low thermal conductivity. Therefore, this membrane is a kind of temperature barrier between the water and the concrete basin. If you cover the pool from above at night, it forms something like a thermos, and the next day the water will remain almost the same temperature. And this is already saving on water heating.
  • High durability of reinforced PVC membrane, such as Cefil 60 mil pool liner. Such a membrane can last at least 20+ years with proper regular maintenance. And even in case of cracks in the concrete pool bowl, it maintains tightness, excluding leaks.
  • Variety of color shades and patterns. You can always choose what you like. These can be solid-colored liners and imitating mosaic, natural materials.
Pool Liner Sample: Mosaic Pattern
Pool Liner Sample: Mosaic Pattern
  • Safety. PVC liner can have a textured anti-slip surface, which prevents injuries. Such a liner is recommended for use on steps. Also the textured surface gives maximum tactile similarity to natural materials.
  • Practicality, easy and inexpensive maintenance. Regular cleaning and maintaining the chemical balance of water are sufficient to keep the PVC membrane in good condition.
  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations over a wide range. The vinyl liner can withstand frost well. Therefore, the water in the cold season cannot be drained. It is enough to simply cover the pool from above to exclude debris in the water. And this is already a significant savings.

If we talk about the practical side, then the installation of vinyl liner, taking into account the cost of material and work is cheaper than plaster, mosaic and the like. And taking into account the above-mentioned properties, we get additional savings on operating costs.

Where to Order a Pool with Energy Saving Liner

The company SAKKO POOL is engaged in the installation of high-quality vinyl liner of the European manufacturer. There is a wide range of collections of the most diverse colors, patterns and textures.

The company’s specialists are ready to help with various issues, assist in choosing the best solution, and provide high-quality pool resurfacing and liner installation that will last for many years.